wELCOME TO VAULT 5421, wanderer...
A fuel station and oasis for those aged 21+
80+ bottle selection of craft beer, cider, mead, sake, wine
Rotating seasonal selections of themed drinks & shots!
Plus, free-to-play puzzles, card games & retro gaming on our SNES emulators to help you pass the time between raids…
Gods & Monsters knows it’s thirsty work out there in the alternate timelines and end-of-the-world wasteland madness of Orlandia. Come enjoy the VAULT’s theming & props, created by some of the best movie production designers and artists working in Central FL.
We look forward to seeing your faces, all shiny and chrome!
VAULT 5421 Bar Hours
SUN 3PM - 7:30pm last call
Wed 5pm - 10:30pm last call
THUR 5pm - 10:30Pm last call
Fri 5PM - 12:30AM last call
SAT 3PM - 12:30AM last call
[Store and bar hours subject to change]
Tabletop gamers making a gaming purchase in the store are welcome to bring their group to play in our large gaming booth, when the bar is NOT open and serving drinks. During bar operating hours, seating is first come, first served. Please note, to occupy our large booth space, you must have a group of 6+ people and keep an active tab running. A time limit may be enforced if the bar reaches capacity and goes to waitlist for seating.
Please note: Due to liquor laws, no outside drinks can be brought in. There’s plenty of snacks, soft drinks, and bottled beverages on offer in the store.
Private Bookings
Private bookings for parties and special events can be made for VAULT 5421!
Normal store hours (outside of bar hours): prepaid Bar Tab Bookings are available with 2-weeks notice.
Active bar hours: By pre-arrangement only, with a minimum 4-weeks advance notice (and no more than 6 months in advance). Subject to availability. Fridays & Saturdays after 6pm are a premium hourly booking rate starting at $900/hr with a 3-hour minimum booking required.
To get a quote for your group, email info@godmonsters.com with the dates and times you are interested in and estimated number of attendees. We try to respond within 48 hours depending on volume of inquiries.
When the bar is operating, seating is on a first come, first served basis. If we are at capacity, we may enforce a 45-minute time limit on seating to better allow for waitlisted patrons a chance to visit with us.